Illustration Committee

The Illustration Committee is a newly-formed (as of Spring 2024) AALA Committee dedicated to sharing and educating our membership, and the wider industry, about the particular needs and opportunities for agents whose client lists include artists who create visual media for books. These creators earn income by making, licensing, and selling visual media and underlying subrights as intellectual property for usage across a wide range of literary genres and categories, including but not limited to: picture books, illustrated novels and nonfiction; jackets/covers, graphic novels, comic books, IP work; book-and-artist-brand-based merchandise and commercial licensing. Illustrated literary works offer unique negotiation and representation challenges and considerations for agents. We look forward to highlighting these matters and advocating for the collective benefit of all such creators, and to working in partnership with the existing AALA Committees.

As we focus on establishing our Committee’s role and identity within the larger AALA framework, and determining our initial scope of work, our membership is (temporarily) closed, but we look forward to adding new members in the future.