Allegra Martschenko
Ladderbird Literary Agency
Allegra Martschenko is a literary agent at Ladderbird Literary Agency representing adult, YA, and crossover SFF of all kinds—as well as an acquisitions editor at the University Press of Colorado. As a writer, agent, and editor, they bring a well-rounded perspective to author-agent relationships and are capable of working expertly with various stakeholders across the publishing industry. They love books that love you back: sweeping stories, characters with big hearts, and prose that inspires.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
If you are an author of color writing anything speculative or a marginalized writer writing one of my dream projects, you can query me at my query manager link: querymanager.com/AllegraMartschenko. My typical response time is 1-2 weeks and I respond to every query. If you haven’t heard from me in 4 weeks, do feel free to nudge. Please check out the wishlist on my website: www.allegramartschenko.com