Andie Smith

Booker Albert Literary Agency

Andie Smith is a Junior Agent at The Booker Albert Literary Agency where she started as a Literary Intern in 2022. She is also a writer and editor of multiple genres. Andie has previously served as a writer and editor for several local newspapers and magazines in Central Florida and is the Founder of Sun & Spines Editorial, where she offers a variety of editing services for authors. She is also a developmental editor at Wild Ink Publishing. When she’s not agenting, she’s spending time with her husband and two kitties or hanging out at Disney World.

Subject Focus

Fiction: Debut
Fiction: Mystery/Crime
Fiction: New Adult
Fiction: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Fiction: Thriller
Fiction: Women’s/Romance
Fiction: Literary
Children’s: Middle Grade Fiction
Children’s: Young Adult Fiction
Children's: Fantasy



Years of Industry Experience


Member Since

Submission Requirements

How to successfully present your work

Please submit your query via QueryManager: Andie asks for your query letter, synopsis, and first 3 chapters. To ensure your manuscript is a good fit, you can find Andie's wishlist at Note: if your genre is not listed in the drop-down menu on the form, Andie is not currently open to the genre of your submission at this time. Andie is only considering unpublished manuscripts. Andie will be closing to queries on November 1 with plans to reopen February 2025. Please only submit one project for Andie’s consideration at a time. At Booker Albert, you may only query one agent at a time and must wait for a pass before querying another agent at the agency.