Angela Rinaldi
The Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency
Angela Rinaldi is a literary agent and president of The Angela Rinaldi Literary Agency. The agency was founded in 1994. Prior to starting the agency she was Executive Editor at NAL and Bantam Books, Senior Editor at Pocket Books (Simon & Schuster) and started the book publishing program for The Los Angeles Times. She has been a member of the Literature Panel for the California Arts Council in addition to the board for PEN and the membership committee for AAR.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Email submissions should be sent to info@rinaldiliterary.com. Include the word “Query” in the subject line. We will not open attachments or go to your website to read your query. Because of the volume, we can only respond to those queries we are interested in pursuing. We will send an automated reply to your email letting you know if your work is not a right fit for our agency. For fiction, please send a brief synopsis and paste the first ten pages into an email. Non-fiction queries should include a detailed cover letter, your credentials and platform information as well as any publishing history. Tell us if you have a completed proposal. Response time is six to eight weeks. Foreign, film and TV rights for clients only through subagents.