Bethany Fulk Hendrix
Spencerhill Associates
Bethany joined Spencerhill in 2024 after working at a boutique literary agency for 5 years. Her background includes a BA in English, a specialization in Social Media Marketing, and time as a PR and editorial assistant. Her favorite parts of being an agent are editing and building relationships with her clients. Bethany is seeking middle grade and young adult fiction in all genres, as well as adult fantasy and romance. She is especially interested in diverse fantasy, rom-coms, and historical romance. Bethany is always looking for new voices and diverse perspectives. Bethany lives with her husband, their two cats, Fergus and Obi, and their farm dog, Chuck, where she spends her time reading, writing, and visiting the local coffee shop far too often. She can be found on Twitter, @bethanyfulk.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Please only query one agent at Spencerhill. I only accept submissions through Query Manager: https://QueryManager.com/bethany You can expect a response to your query in about 4-6 weeks.