Bethany Weaver
Weaver Literary Agency
Founded in 2021 and based in the Midwest, Weaver Literary Agency is working to create space for voices of diverse backgrounds and perspectives in adult and children’s literature. Founder and Agent, Bethany Weaver began her career as an intern for the phenomenal Creative Media Inc where she then moved between different avenues of publishing. Most recently, she worked for Storm Literary Agency as their sole Foreign Rights agent. Before publishing, she earned her BA in English with a concentration on writing, editing, and media and pursued a career with her local newspaper eventually making the switch to the USA Today where she still resides. Bethany represents adult, YA and selective middle-grade. Her taste gravitates toward speculative fiction with subtle romance and lush prose. Horror, mystery, and romance elements are her soft spot.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
For subsidiary rights, please refer to email: weaverliteraryagency@gmail.com and For traditional authors, please refer to query manager: https://querymanager.com/query/weaverliteraryagency