Cameron McClure

Donald Maass Literary Agency

Cameron McClure joined the Donald Maass Literary Agency in 2004. She represents a small and select group of authors and specializes in fiction. She is especially looking for projects that combine genre style plotting with literary quality writing. She’s up for anything speculative, and is interested in seeing science-fiction and fantasy, mystery and suspense, horror, and projects with multi-cultural, international, environmental, and LGBTQIA+ themes. Some of her clients include Robert McCammon, Robert Jackson Bennett, Ada Palmer, Micaiah Johnson, Jonathan French, S.B. Divya, Molly Tanzer, Andy Marino, Ruthanna Emrys, and Amy Alkon.

121 West 27th Street, Suite 1201

New York, NY, 10001

Submissions Open

Subject Focus

Fiction: Debut
Fiction: Horror
Fiction: Mystery/Crime
Fiction: Paranormal
Fiction: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Fiction: Thriller
Fiction: Women’s/Romance



Member Since

Submission Requirements

How to successfully present your work

Please visit QueryMe.Online/CMcClure and fill out the online form.