Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong
Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
Cathie Hedrick-Armstrong is a literary agent at Marsal Lyon Literary Agency where she represents Adult Fiction in the genres of Romance , Commercial Fiction (Book Club and "Women's" Fiction), Mysteries, Domestic/Psychological Suspense, and light Horror. Cathie looks for manuscripts that catch her attention within the first few pages. If you can evoke an emotional response in the opening pages--make her laugh out loud, cause her pulse to race, or make her cry, make her curious--you’ve got a winner. To view Cathie's official Manuscript Wishlist, go to www.tinyurl.com/cathiesmswl.
Submissions Open
Subject Focus
Fiction: Debut
Fiction: Horror
Fiction: Mystery/Crime
Fiction: New Adult
Fiction: Paranormal
Fiction: Thriller
Fiction: Women’s/Romance
Fiction: General/Other Fiction
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Please send all queries to: www.querymanager.com/querycathie. **Please do not send queries via email.**