Chelsea Eberly

Greenhouse Literary Agency

Chelsea Eberly is the Director of Greenhouse Literary Agency, where she represents authors of middle grade and young adult novels, graphic novelists, illustrators who write picture books, and select upmarket adult fiction. A former Senior Editor at Penguin Random House, Chelsea is also a Publishers Weekly Star Watch Honoree. Her clients include New York Times bestselling and award-winning graphic novelists, such as Gavin Aung Than, Gabriela Epstein, Rebecca Mock, and Ngozi Ukazu, as well as bestselling and award-winning novelists, such as Sarwat Chadda, Andrea Contos, Kayvion Lewis, Ali Standish, and Emily Thiede. Learn more about her and her taste at

Subject Focus

Fiction: New Adult
Fiction: Thriller
Fiction: Women’s/Romance
Fiction: General/Other Fiction
Fiction: Literary
Children’s: Graphic Novel
Children’s: Middle Grade Fiction
Children’s: Middle Grade Non-Fiction
Children’s: Young Adult Fiction
Children’s: Young Adult Non-Fiction
Children’s: General
Children's: Fantasy



Years of Industry Experience


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Submission Requirements

How to successfully present your work

I am currently closed to submissions except by referral.