Carrie Pestritto
Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.
Carrie Pestritto is a literary agent and director of business affairs at LDLA, who is particularly drawn in by unique voices, strong character development, high-concept plots, and transporting experiences. She mostly represents commercial fiction, romance, MG, YA, historical fiction, mysteries, thrillers, and narrative nonfiction. Her list is comprised of strong, original voices and immersive storytellers. Before becoming part of the LDLA team, she previously worked at Writers House and Prospect Agency. She earned her BA in English, cum laude, from Amherst College.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
LDLA accepts queries via QueryManager only. We do our best to answer every query letter within 4 weeks, though circumstances may vary. If you receive a manuscript request, response time is closer to 12 weeks. Please wait to follow up until after the full length of time has passed. However, if you receive an offer of representation from another agent, please let us know immediately so we can respond within the timeframe you require. Please only submit to one agent at a time* with one project at a time, making sure that your manuscript or proposal is complete and ready to be sent if requested. You may submit to another agent if one passes. *If you are querying after a Twitter pitch contest such as #PitMad or #DVpit, and more than one LDLA agent has liked your tweet, you may query simultaneously. We just ask that you let us know if more than one of us is considering your project.