Dana Newman
Dana Newman Literary
Dana Newman Literary was founded by Dana Newman in 2010. Prior to becoming a literary agent, she worked for 14 years as General Counsel for Moviola and its affiliates, Paskal Lighting and Magnasync Corporation. With years of experience working in the entertainment and communications technology industries during the digital revolution in film editing and audio recording, Dana enthusiastically embraces new technologies and ideas about how books are created, distributed and experienced. Dana combines her professional insight, educational background (B.A. in Comparative Literature from U.C. Berkeley, J.D. from University of San Francisco), and a lifelong love of reading to her role as a literary agent. She regularly attends writers’ conferences and speaks frequently on legal issues for authors (including publishing contracts, collaboration agreements, and copyright). Dana Newman Literary works with Judy Klein of Kleinworks Agency on handling clients’ foreign rights sales. In addition to her work as a literary agent, Dana is also Of Counsel at Raines Feldman LLP, where she focuses on business and legal advising, negotiating and drafting contracts, intellectual property (copyrights and trademarks), licensing and publishing law. She has extensive experience with publishing and literary agency agreements, and also does pre-publication legal review of manuscripts. Her specialty is helping creative entrepreneurs and authors achieve their goals, and she’s represented a wide variety of clients in entertainment, media and business. She wrote "Copyright Grants: as Powerful as Kryptonite?" published in the Los Angeles Daily Journal, and co-authored the chapter on Technology and Intellectual Property Rights in the book Emerging Companies Guide: A Resource for Professionals and Entrepreneurs, Second Edition (American Bar Association 2011). Dana is a member of the California State Bar, the Association of American Literary Agents, and the Santa Monica Library Board.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Submissions are accepted via email only; include the word QUERY in the subject line and the title of your work. Please send a one-page query letter, which identifies the category of your work, the title, the length (word count), and provides a brief overview of your project, credentials and previous publishing history, if any. If we are interested we’ll ask you to send a complete book proposal which should include: an overview of your project, chapter outline, a brief bio, a description of competing books and how your book is unique, and the first 10-15 pages of your first chapter. For fiction, if interested we will request a synopsis and the first 20 pages. Please send all items in the body of the email, NOT as an attachment. Be sure to include your contact details (email address and phone number). If you have relevant writing experience (articles, other books), and/or have received writing awards, please include details in your cover letter. Let us know if you’re submitting to other literary agencies at the same time, and please keep us apprised of any offers of representation. Please note: Unsolicited submissions via Twitter, LinkedIn or other social media sites will not be considered.