Emily Forland

Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, Inc

Emily Forland represents voice-driven literary fiction and non-fiction, among them bestsellers and prize winners, and has a special place in her heart for original writing that jumps off the page. Equally drawn to a traditional domestic novel as she is to more idiosyncratic work, she seeks out beautifully crafted writing, characters that come fully alive on the page, and stories rooted strongly in their setting. Humor is always welcome. In addition to literary fiction, she represents memoir, narrative nonfiction, history, biography, food writing, cultural criticism, and the occasional young adult novel.

Brandt & Hochman Literary Agents, 1501 Broadway, Suite 2605

New York, NY, 10036


Submissions Open

Subject Focus

Fiction: Debut
Fiction: Thriller
Fiction: General/Other Fiction
Fiction: Literary
NF: History/Politics/Current Affairs
NF: Humor
NF: Illustrated/Art
NF: True Crime
NF: General/Other Non-Fiction


more than 20

Years of Industry Experience


Member Since

Submission Requirements

How to successfully present your work

Please query by email only.