Essie White

Storm Literary Agency

Essie White launched Storm Literary Agency in 2014 and represents the finest in quality children’s literature and art. Essie enjoys connections with people worldwide, and her own clients hail from countries all over the world. Although Essie represents authors and illustrators of board books through YA, she remains most fond of picture books, especially those that both teach and entertain. Essie White takes pride in the agency’s work, and especially the individuals that comprise that agency. She is thankful and appreciative of the efforts of those members who work hard to support one another, and to represent the best in children’s publishing, always mindful of those who reap the benefits: Children.

Subject Focus

Children’s: Graphic Novel
Children’s: Middle Grade Fiction
Children’s: Middle Grade Non-Fiction
Children’s: Picture Book
Children’s: General
Children's: Fantasy



Years of Industry Experience


Member Since

Submission Requirements

How to successfully present your work

With the exception of illustrators, only taking submissions from referrals or through conferences in which I participate