Farley Chase
Chase Literary Agency
I've worked in publishing since 1996. I became a literary agent in 2002 and founded Chase Literary Agency in 2012. I've worked at The New Yorker magazine, as an editor at Talk Miramax Books and was an agent at the Waxman Literary Agency before going out on my own. I'm on the Board of the AALA and Literary Agents of Change where I also serve as Treasurer. I'm keen to see submissions from writers of every background but especially BIPOC and otherwise marginalized points of view. I'm interested in literary and commercial fiction of all kinds, especially plot, voice, and character-driven stories. I agree with Lorrie Moore who wrote "We don't often know what intimate life consists of until novels tell us." I'm interested in narrative nonfiction of all kinds, especially stories that tell us something new about things we think we know. I'm keen to see memoir, natural history, science, current affairs, journalism, history, and biography. Original business and self-help books stemming from expertise are also of interest. And I'm especially interested in graphic and comics storytelling in fiction and nonfiction.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
I try to respond to all queries I receive. I do not respond to queries that are not specifically addressed to me by name. I prefer straightforward query letters by email that get right to the point about what the project is and which show the author to be familiar with the marketplace. If you're submitting fiction please include the first few pages of the manuscript with the query. Please note that I do not represent young adult, romance, or science fiction. Chase Literary Agency 11 Broadway, Suite 1010 New York, NY 10004 Phone: 212-477-5100 Email: farley[at]chaseliterary.com