Felicia Eth
Felicia Eth Literary Representation
Ms. Eth has been na bona fide literary agent in good standing on both East and West Coasts over the course of her career. She began working it he Story Departments of Both Warner Bros and the independent Palomar Pictures. Leaving motion pictures behind she became a senior editor at Writers House Inc. for 9 years, where in addition to handling her own clients she oversaw selling paperback , serial and motion picture rights for several independent Presses the agency represented. Moving West, she worked briefly as the West Coast acquiring editor for St. Martin's Press, before leaving to open her own agency on the West Coast, initially out of Palo Alto but now based out of SF. Ms. Eth is a Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laude graduate of Brandeis University with additional course work from McGill University. She additionally lives and works out of Paris during part of the year.
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
emails queries only - please refer to website for additional information