Jessica Regel
Helm Literary
Jess Regel started Helm Literary in 2020 with the goal of helping writers take control of their careers. As a flashlight under the covers, tripping over curbs while read-walking, never leave home without a book, lifetime reader, she thought she’d found my dream job when I started working at my local library in Iowa. Then one day, she stumbled upon the inciting incident of her professional life: she shelved The Writer’s Digest’s Guide to Literary Agents. The summer of 2002, she moved to New York City to intern at the Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency. Over the next decade, she worked her way through each department: royalties, contracts, audio, foreign, film, and domestic. She also began taking on my own clients (most of whom she still represents to this day.) In 2013, she moved to Foundry Literary + Media where she continued to grow her list of award-winning, bestselling writers. Today, Helm is a full-service literary agency, representing fiction, nonfiction, and children’s book authors.