Jill Grinberg
Jill Grinberg Literary Management LLC
Jill Grinberg has worked in New York publishing over the past two decades. She grew up in the storied circus town of Sarasota, Florida, near the beach and on the same street as The Flying Wallendas. She then went north and across the pond to complete her B.A. in English Literature at Tufts University and Oxford. After interning at Boston Magazine and the Boston Review, Jill moved to Manhattan to enter book publishing, starting in the publicity department at HarperCollins, where she worked with high-profile authors and books like Amy Bloom’s National Book Award finalist Come to Me, and Thomas Moore’s #1 New York Times bestseller Care of The Soul. Realizing, thanks to Amy Bloom’s wise counsel, that she had a passion for author advocacy and book development from the ground up, she then moved to the agenting side of the business. She was a founding partner of Anderson Grinberg Literary Management, then went on to found her own firm, Jill Grinberg Literary Management, in 2007. Jill feels a strong kinship with her great-grandparents who founded the historic Cafe Royal, a mecca for Jewish intellectuals and artists in New York City in the 1920s, 30s and 40s, and she continues their tradition of hosting tea and conversation with visiting writers and illustrators.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Please send your query letter to info [at] jillgrinbergliterary [dot] com and attach your materials as a .docx file. Address your submission directly to the agent you would like to consider it, and use the following format for your subject line: QUERY: Title of Project by Your Name / Age Group and Genre / ATTN: Name of Agent. Visit our website for detailed query guidelines. We no longer accept hard copy submissions by mail, and any received will be discarded unread.