Kara Reynolds
Andrea Brown Literary Agency
Kara Reynolds is an Administrative Assistant for Executive Agent Laura Rennert. A longtime reader and writer, Kara now enjoys seeing the business end of the publishing world in her work. As a reader, she's easily hooked by a good premise or trope, regardless of the genre. Her favorites include time travel and time loops, forced proximity romances, and any plot that hinges on mistaken identities. Kara holds a Master's degree in Genetic Counseling from the University of Utah, but long ago decided that she'd rather write fiction than journal articles and patient letters. She used her degree to teach a class called Genetics 101 For Writers at the 2019 Storymakers Conference, which gave writers who wanted to include genetics in their work the background needed to understand the research they'd need to do. Kara is a former president of the Whitney Awards, a literary award program associated with the Storymakers Conference. She spent three years as a contributor to Operation Awesome, a group writing blog that encourages and educates writers at all stages of their publishing journey. Helping people who say "I've always wanted to write a book" get into writing and achieve their goals is a passion of Kara's, and she's always willing to point a new writer towards good resources. Kara lives in Arizona with her husband and three children.