Kelly Thomas
Serendipity Literary Agency
Kelly Thomas is an associate literary agent at Serendipity Literary Agency and a certified copy editor with a bachelor’s degree in English (Literature) from Pace University. She is a member of the Association of American Literary Agents (AALA), a member of the Women in Film (WIF), New York Women in Film & Television (NYWFT), and a member of the Editorial Freelance Association (EFA). She is also a ghostwriter and a screenwriter with a project in development. Kelly is a participant for pitch slams and speaks on various panels at writing conferences, including Thriller Fest, Crime Bake, Writing Day Workshops, AWP, Writing Barn, Writer’s Digest, SCBWI, Carnegie Center for Literary and Learning, and Women in Publishing, and The Hampton Roads Writer’s Conference, where she also taught classes on synopsis writing and character development. She is a trainer at The Next Bestseller™ Workshop and co-runs a monthly Synopsis Writing Workshop for Your Book Is Your Book publishing consulting company. and a published poet with publications in Tales for the Disenchanted (2008) and Penumbra Art & Literature (2015). Prior to joining Serendipity Literary Agency, she provided manuscript analysis for the D4EO Literary Agency. Kelly has served as an editor for the literary arts magazine Pen & Brush and as a writing coach for the academic consulting company Brattlestreet. Kelly considers herself a generalist who is drawn to lyrical writing and strong voices. She is interested in nonfiction (narrative nonfiction, memoirs, true crime, self-help, business, travel writing, photography, medical, STEM, psychology, health and fitness, music, food & drinks, cooking) and adult fiction (psychological thrillers, suspense, comedies). She enjoys working with musicians, television personalities, athletes, and other pop culture figures to help translate their stories or expertise onto the page. She also represents children’s books including picture books, middle grade, and young adult. She enjoys fast-paced, plot-driven fiction with twists, turns, and jaw-dropping moments. She is drawn to stories about leadership, overcoming adversity, and beating the odds. Stories that are told from a unique psychological vantage point are always of interest. The truth is often stranger than fiction, so Kelly is actively looking for the next great true crime manuscript with a murderous and methodical plot. She loves multi-layered protagonists who struggle between what is right and wrong, and anti-heroes who are villainous but endearing at the same time. Some of her favorite books that perfectly master this include "Dearly Departed Dexter, " "You," "American Psycho," "Fight Club," "Psycho," "Interview With the Vampire," "Dracula," and "My Sister, The Serial Killer." Kelly adores books that tap into ancient mythology and folklore, and she has a special place in her heart for stories about Vikings and Pirates.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Kelly opens for submissions a few times a year. Please follow the instructions on our website when submitting. We’ve made the process for submitting your work easy. All you need to do is complete a form, available on each of our genre submission pages listed below (fiction, nonfiction, children’s/YA, and photography/illustration) on Saturdays, which will give us all the pertinent information we need to evaluate your submission. However, our submission boxes are currently closed. Please note, until we open up our submissions again, any queries sent to us through our contact form will not be reviewed When the form is available, you’ll see that we request all the salient elements typically found in a query letter: the title, premise, length of the manuscript, your writing background, and your long-term writing plans. This means that we do not require a query letter (though you are welcome to submit one in addition to filling out the form, if you so choose). We also request a one-page synopsis of the work that details the plot and theme of the story and the first fifty pages or first three chapters of your manuscript. If we’re intrigued by what we see, we’ll request additional material from you. Based on your initial query letter, synopsis, and sample chapters, our office may request your manuscript in its entirety. Please be sure to keep an eye out here and on our social media. We will often request specific topics and categories based on what we are hearing from readers and publishers.