Kent Wolf
Neon Literary
Kent D. Wolf, founding partner and rights director, launched his agenting career in the depths of the 2008 recession—a fitting start, given his affinity for forging new markets in a risk-averse industry. A lover of the bizarre, the profane, the unsettling, the dark, and the darkly funny, he is drawn to writing that occupies a literary uncanny valley and to writers who move the cultural needle through direct confrontation, self-interrogation, the blurring of genres, the bending of language, and damn good writing. Once told that he would “be more successful if he weren’t so intentionally weird,” Kent has sold multiple bestselling and award-winning books to publishers both large and small. His clients’ titles have been translated into dozens of languages and many are in active TV/film development. He represents literary fiction (story collections and novels) and narrative nonfiction in the areas of immersive journalism, personal essay, pop culture, memoir, “anti-lifestyle,” and anything that aims to dismantle prevailing power structures. Raised in rural Illinois, Kent lives in Manhattan with his husband. He currently serves on the board of Lambda Literary.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Please direct queries to submission@neonliterary.com. We ask that you include a pitch in the body of your email and materials as either MS Word or pdf attachments.