Laurie Abkemeier
DeFiore and Company Literary Management
Originally from northern California, Laurie Abkemeier graduated from Wells College with a degree in communications and experience in broadcast and print journalism. Her first job was as an editorial assistant in the Touchstone/Fireside division of Simon & Schuster, and she soon moved to Hyperion where she acquired and edited dozens of books, including five New York Times bestsellers and many national bestsellers. In 2003, Laurie joined DeFiore and Company as a literary agent. As a former editor with extensive experience in what goes on behind publishers’ doors, she works closely with her authors to develop their ideas, polish their proposals, and guide them from deal to publication. She has represented more than a dozen New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestsellers. Laurie strives to maintain an eclectic list that spans history, science (physical, biological, and psychological), nature, sports, adventure, health and wellness, self-improvement, investigative journalism, big ideas, women’s studies, pop culture, and the offbeat. She is very interested in working with BIPOC who are writing on these topics. Laurie is always open to queries; more than half of her authors have come to her via an unsolicited email query.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Laurie Abkemeier accepts only email queries for nonfiction projects. Attachments will not be read unless requested. Snail mail queries will be discarded. Please include the word "QUERY" and your book title in the subject line, and send your brief query to Submissions need not be exclusive, and response time is generally between two hours and two weeks. If you have not heard anything during this time, please check that the domain name is on your email server whitelist; the response might have been rejected by your server. Please note that Laurie does not consider fiction queries of any kind.