Linda Roghaar
Linda Roghaar Literary Agency LLC
Linda Roghaar Literary Agency LLC is an independent, boutique, full-service literary agency. Based in Amherst, Massachusetts and established in 1996, the agency represents authors to major publishers, independent publishers, and university presses. The agency specializes in non-fiction and represents authors writing about everything from sports to knitting to theology. Mostly, the agency’s authors’ books are an extension of their life work. Principal agent Linda L. Roghaar has been in the book business her entire professional life. After a brief stint volunteering at a library, she began working in a bookstore, then managed both regional chain and independent bookstores. For many years she worked in marketing for several publishers and was a publishers’ rep (for dozens of independent publishers) to independent bookstores, bookstore chains, and book wholesalers. Linda opened the Linda Roghaar Literary Agency in 1996.
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All submissions by referral.