Margaret Sutherland Brown
Folio Literary Management
I'm an agent at Folio representing literary and upmarket commercial fiction and narrative non-fiction. Previously I was an agent at Emma Sweeney Agency, LLC, and transitioned to represent many of ESA's clients at Folio in January 2020. Before becoming an agent, I spent the first seven years of my career in editorial, primarily at Thomas Dunne Books, an imprint of St. Martin's Press, where I worked on a wide range of fiction and non-fiction. As an agent, I use my insider knowledge of how a publishing house operates to my clients' advantage, and my editorial background informs how unusually closely and thoroughly I work with clients to develop a project before we ever submit to publishers. I'm proud to work with immensely talented authors. Among many other accolades, my clients have won the American Book Award, been finalists for the National Book Award and the PEN/ Hemingway Award, and been awarded Guggenheim Fellowships. I grew up in Fort Worth, Texas, graduated from Wake Forest University as an English major with a double minor in journalism and Spanish, and now live in Brooklyn with my husband and two young sons.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
To query me, please send a query letter and the first ten pages of your manuscript pasted into the body of your email to *margaret@foliolitmanagement.com*. Please note that any queries not sent to that email address will be deleted unread. Please also note that I am not able to receive physical queries through the mail and any sent will be recycled.