Claire Oleson
Vicky Bijur Literary Agency
Claire Oleson joined the Vicky Bijur Agency in 2023 after working at several literary agencies, including Compass Talent and Union Literary. She is interested in literary fiction with experimental and speculative bends. She is particularly excited by queer voices, Midwestern settings, and unique approaches to the form of the contemporary novel. She is a 2020-2021 Center for Fiction Writing Fellow and a graduate of Kenyon College.
500 Flatbush Ave, Apt 2
Brooklyn, NY, 11225
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
We accept queries only by email. Please send a brief query letter, including information on your publication history, current project, and any other relevant experience you bring to your work. Send a sample of the first ten pages of the work pasted into the body of the email. We will not open unsolicited attachments. Send all queries and samples to queries@vickybijuragency.com. What We Are Looking For Literary Fiction Crime Fiction/ Thrillers Queer Fiction High-End Commercial Women’s Fiction Memoir Nonfiction, including biography, cookbooks, food writing, journalism, health/ wellness, and graphic nonfiction What We Aren’t Looking For Fantasy Romance