Sara Crowe
Sara Crowe Literary
Sara always had a book in her hand, and is still amazed that she gets to help make them. She has 25 years of experience in the publishing world, with 8 in foreign rights, and 20 representing clients. After graduating from the University of Pennsylvania and the Radcliffe Publishing course, she started her career at The Wylie Agency, where she went on to sell foreign rights in Wylie’s London office. She was a foreign rights manager at Trident Media Group, and an agent and foreign rights manager at Harvey Klinger, before becoming a senior agent at Pippin Properties. She represents a diverse group of children's and adult fiction and nonfiction; everything from picture books to graphic novels to literary fiction and adult romcoms. Her clients include Newbery and Printz medalists and honorees, National Book Award Finalists, Lambda award winners and finalists, and NYT Bestsellers.