Sarah Khalil
Calligraph, LLC
Sarah represents serious nonfiction and memoir with a lens toward social, economic and environmental justice; anti-imperialist thought; pop/cultural criticism and histories; cross-cultural narratives; and writing from Caribbean, MENA, Muslim and LGBTQIA+ creators; all deeply explored by experts—academics, journalists, and those with lived experience. Radical thought, artful storytelling and propulsive narrative are the cornerstones of her taste. She is also seeking select fiction in the same space. Prior to Calligraph’s founding, Sarah was at Kneerim & Williams for four years, developing several of the agency’s best-selling and award-winning authors alongside Jill Kneerim and Katherine Flynn. She has worked at Beacon Press and the IP law firm Sennott, Williams, & Rogers. She holds an MA in Publishing & Writing from Emerson College and a BA in English Literature with a minor in History from the American University of Beirut. Sarah is the director of the agency’s internship program. She co-directs the AALA’s Literary Agents of Change Mentorship Program, which serves junior literary agents from underrepresented backgrounds. She has participated in panels and pitching roundtables with Harvard University, the University of Georgia’s Grady College of Journalism, the Authors Guild, the Boston Book Festival, and the Gotham Writers Conference, among others.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Please send a query letter to submissions@calligraphlit.com with a brief synopsis of your work and a short bio, along with 25 pages of sample material in the body of the email (no attachments will be opened). Include the name of the agent you are querying in the subject line of the email, along with the title of your project and its genre. Address your query to the agent you believe is the best fit for your work (consult our profiles here on our website for information about each agent). Please do not query the agent directly. All submissions must be sent to the email address above to be considered. Due to the volume of queries we receive, we regret that we cannot respond to each one. If we are interested in reading more, we will be in touch with you. We do not represent screenplays. We do not accept queries by postal mail or by phone.