Shari Maurer
The Stringer Literary Agency
Shari graduated from Duke University with a degree in English, and later studied Dramatic Writing at NYU. Following a stint at The Children’s Television Workshop on international productions of Sesame Street, she published both novels and non-fiction, and worked as a writer and editor. Shari has also written Parenting & Lifestyle columns for several websites. A mother of three, she lives in New York with her husband.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Please query through the Stringer Lit website. All queries should contain a query letter, bio, synopsis, and the 1st 5 pages of your manuscript. As a writer, I know how hard it is to wait. I’m relatively quick in my responses and apologize in advance that it’s a standard form letter. There would be no way for me to respond to the quantity of queries I get with individual emails and I really believe that every submission deserves a response. Some hints: please make sure your query letter is an actual letter. Give me a synopsis of your book and then tell me a little about yourself–your history as a writer and why are you the best person to write this story. A really engaging cover letter makes me much more excited to read your sample. Please know that a pass from me doesn’t mean your writing isn’t terrific, in many cases it just isn’t for me. The majority of the queries I read are really good, but I only request the ones I can fall in love with. Also, in both your query letter and in your writing sample, you need to grab me in from the beginning. Those opening lines, paragraphs and pages are really important. We request a synopsis. Please make that a one-pager that gives a detailed look into the plot. And please use the “bio” space to tell me more about you.