Sorche Fairbank
Fairbank Literary
Since establishing Fairbank Literary Representation in 2002, Sorche Elizabeth Fairbank has had the pleasure of working with a dynamic and varied client list, representing bestselling authors, award-winning journalists, artists, and illustrators, television and YouTube stars, and of course one of her favorite kinds of client–the debut author. Her authors are found with all the major publishers, as well as in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, the New Yorker, Tin House, Glimmer Train, the Best American series, Pushcart Prize, Granta, Smithsonian, McSweeney’s, Narrative, One Story, and many more. - ------------------------------------------ A few notes on Sorche's wishlist: Our tastes tend toward literary and international fiction; voice-y novels with a strong sense of place; the occasional big memoir that goes beyond the me-moir; topical or narrative non-fiction with a strong interest in women’s voices, global perspectives, untold histories, and class and race issues; children's picture books & middle grade from illustrator/artists only; quality lifestyle books (food, wine, and design); pop culture; craft; and gift and humor books. Please note: Comedy/Humor needs are nonfiction. ------------------------We are most likely to pick up works that are of social or cultural significance, newsworthy, or that cause us to take great delight in the words, images, or ideas on the page. - -------------------------------- Lately, we have been doing extremely well in the humor/gift/pop culture category, literary and international fiction, and children's picture books by illustrator artists, and we’d love to take on more projects in those categories. Above all, we look for a fresh voice, approach, story, or idea.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Queries by mail or email (QUERIES@fairbankliterary.com) NO PHONE QUERIES PLEASE! - - - Please include up to the first 10 pages in your email. Illustrators, please include a dummy/sample illustrations with your pitch. - - - No genre romance, poetry collections, sci-fi, fantasy, sports fiction, screenplays, or children's works unless by an illustrator/artist. Mystery/Thrillers are something I rarely take on, and usually need a strong sense of place and time. I'm not fond of serial killer plots, or terrorist-themed ones, or gratuitous violence toward women. Lastly, if your work is much over 120,000 words, chances are it's too long for us. - - - **New for 2021 and 2022** Given the staffing constraints caused by the pandemic, we are temporarily only responding to projects in which we're interested. If you haven't received a request for more material within eight weeks after submitting your query, it's likely a pass for us. When the pandemic is over and normal office work resumes, we expect to return to our policy of responding to queries via email and SASE.