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Thais Carreira Afonso Dias

Azantian Literary Agency

Thais is an Associate Agent with Azantian Literary Agency. Thais has eight years of experience in publishing between Brazil, China, and the United States. More recently, she interned at Writers House, where she honed her skills while supporting the desks of Amy Berkower and Johanna Castillo, and she was mentored by Jennifer Azantian before stepping up to the Associate Agent role at ALA. She intends to represent marginalized authors, and she's especially seeking to uplift BIPOC born and raised in the Global South. An Afro-Brazlian lesbian, Thais currently lives and works out of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She helps care for her grandmother when she's not editing books and she's one of those terrible people who calls the gym her hobby (even though she currently doesn't go).

Estrada Meringuava, 2030, Casa 101B

Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 22723-427

Submissions Closed

Subject Focus

Fiction: Horror
Fiction: New Adult
Fiction: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Fiction: Thriller
Fiction: Women’s/Romance
Children’s: Young Adult Fiction
Children's: Fantasy



Years of Industry Experience


Member Since

Submission Requirements

How to successfully present your work

Please submit your query, two-page synopsis, and first 20 pages. If I have requested this through an event, I appreciate it if you use the event link so it's tagged properly in the queue. A few tips: If there is triggering content in your manuscript, please add content warnings to your submission package. I don’t have a maximum word-count for query letters, so you can add any and all content warnings to the end of the letter. In addition to CWs, I recommend your query letter feature a pitch (two or three paragraphs, preferably describing the hook), your bio, and basic information about the manuscript’s word count, title, and potential audience. Comps are super welcome, but not mandatory. If you can't think of any, feel free to skip comps. Please keep the synopsis under two pages, if possible. A synopsis should be a dry description of the entire plot for the manuscript you’re querying. Remember to include the ending and try to provide context for any plot twists. If the book is the first in a series, keep the synopsis to the book you’re submitting for consideration. Don't use the query as your synopsis. They're different tools to sell me on your story and should be approached differently. The synopsis is so I know your entire plot and can make a decision about whether I want to read that manuscript to the end. So, don't worry about showing your writing chops there. Please, only query one book at a time. It is my goal to respond to every query. If you don’t receive a response within three months, please feel free to follow up on your query. However, a lack of response after that amount of time does not mean an automatic pass. It simply means I’ve fallen behind. I apologize in advance, and I promise there’ll be a response (but really, feel free to nudge if it’s been a while, and always nudge if you have an offer of representation, even if I only have your query). It might take me longer if I have your full, but again, feel free to check in if it's been over four months and you want an update. Don’t worry about mistakes. I’ll give equal consideration to all queries. Typos and formatting issues won't hurt how I feel about your book. It is however easier for me to know whether I can represent a book and place it in the market if I have all the necessary information, so if something major doesn't go through or you upload the wrong file, feel free to let me know. Some triggers that are not automatic passes, but that could make it difficult for me to take on a project: Suicide ideation Sexual assault Incest Pedophilia Books about caring for an ill/disabled parent or grandparent (due to personal circunstances, I've found these hard to read lately) For information on which content does get an automatic pass, please go to my Anti-MSWL in the Azantian site or my personal page: [] I am grateful for all queries and submissions, so thank you for considering me. PLEASE NOTE: I am also a freelance editor. If I’ve done paid editorial work for you or if you donated a critique for a marginalized author, I will not be able to represent you. I also can't consider your query if you have an open query with one of my colleagues. Please wait until they inform you of their decision regarding your submission to query me.