Tina Schwartz

The Purcell Agency, LLC

The Purcell Agency started in July of 2012 after author Tina Purcell Schwartz spent twelve years writing and marketing her work, along with helping several others get published. After a career in Advertising, Radio Sales and Marketing, she turned to her true passion, selling manuscripts. She sold her first book contract in 2004, and sold ten non-fiction titles for one author in the Teen and Youth markets, to traditional publishers. Since opening the agency, she's sold over 40 manuscripts, including YA Non-fiction along with Picture Books and novels for middle grade readers, young adults, and several adult titles, as well. "My favorite part of the business is meeting new people and building relationships!" says Schwartz. "I look forward to continuing to build fruitful relationships with editors, publishers and authors around the globe."

664 Beth Court,

Gurnee, IL, 60031


Submissions Closed

Subject Focus

Fiction: Debut
Fiction: Horror
Fiction: Inspirational
Fiction: New Adult
Fiction: Women’s/Romance
Fiction: General/Other Fiction
NF: Health
NF: Memoir
NF: Narrative
NF: Sports
Children’s: Middle Grade Fiction
Children’s: Young Adult Fiction
Children’s: General



Years of Industry Experience


Member Since

Submission Requirements

How to successfully present your work

I take in-person pitches at conferences whenever possible, and also allow personal referrals to query me. Otherwise, I'm often closed to unsolicited queries. You can check my Query Manager page to see if I am currently open. I do have 48 hour openings occasionally, that I'll announce on Social Media. My QM link is: www.QueryManager.com/tinapschwartz. If you submit, be sure to include a query letter, synopsis (if available), title of project, and word count. I will ask for a partial, full, or no pages, based on the query. Thank you for your interest!