Alisha West
Victress Literary
Alisha West resides in Washington State. She’s had a life-long love affair with stories, earning a BA in English and an MA in Women’s and Gender Studies. Her thesis, Exploring the Missing Pieces: Readers, Religion and Societal relations in One Magazine, 1954-1963, concerns one of the first widely circulated gay and lesbian magazines published in the U.S. (downloaded 300+ times). Her personal essay, “Walking Sweet Dee,” took third place in the Adult Short Topic category of the Pacific Northwest Writer’s Association’s Literary Contest in 2022. After bonding with Lizz Nagle during the after party of the PNWA awards ceremony, Alisha jumped at the chance to join Victress Literary as an editorial assistant in November 2022. Because of her commitment, cheerleading, and creativity, she was promoted to Junior Agent in May 2023. Her favorite tasks include reading submissions and editing manuscripts from Victress clients. When Alisha isn’t reading, editing or writing about women’s rights and queer history, she enjoys playing with her fur babies (Roary Gilmore, "Sweet Dee" Reynolds, Charlie Kelly, and Ronald "Mac" McDonald), practicing guitar, gaming, and watching all the best stories film has to offer with her partner, Matt.
Subject Focus
Submission Requirements
How to successfully present your work
Queries must be sent through our Query Manager. Any queries that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered. Prepare the following items for your FICTION query: A query letter including what makes your book unique An Author bio A 1-2 page synopsis including genre and word count The first chapter of your book Prepare the following items for your NON-FICTION query: A brief, 1-2 paragraph synopsis Your bio or resume specifying credentials and publication credits, if any A complete table of contents plus page and word counts 2 sample chapters, excluding the first two A description of your target audience ~One paragraph on your book’s unique advantages A list of competing, comparable titles and how your book differs Please do not send complete manuscripts until requested.